Pools rewarded

The program rewards the liquidity provision in the following pools:

  • Curve: agEURjEUR (jEUR+agEUR)

  • KyberSwap: agDEN-JUL22-agEURjEUR

How to acquire the tokens

You can also buy these tokens through the agEURjEUR pool on Curve, or any aggregator such as Paraswap.


The program aims at attracting at least $1M of liquidity.


The program ends at block 30650000.

Reward token

agDEN-JUL22 is a Futures with a 60 days maturity, tracking the price of JRT and ANGLE tokens. agDEN-JUL22 can either be sold for agEURjEUR at the market price on Kyber Swap, or can be converted for JRT and ANGLE at its maturity.

There are 100 agDEN-JUL22 tokens, so each agDEN-JUL22 token can be redeemed for 1% of the JRT and ANGLE held in the storage contract.

The agDEN-JUL22 storage contract was initially seeded with:

  • $29.5k worth of JRT (1,670,000 JRT)

  • $29.5k worth of ANGLE (268,000 ANGLE)

Contract addresses

agEUR token

jEUR token​

agDEN-JUL22 token

agDEN-JUL22-agEURjEUR pool

Storage contract

Staking contract

Last updated